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客户评价 💬

  • "I had a good experience with American Notary Service. They responded quickly and were very professional. I would use them again."​​​​​​​​​

  • (原文翻译)"我在美国公证认证中心获得了很好的体验。他们回复迅速,非常专业。我会再次使用他们的服务。"

👤 Montana L. / 来自密苏里州

已确认订单- 2025年01

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​​​​​​​

​👤 Weiguo G. / 来自弗吉尼亚州

已确认订单- 2025年02

  • "Responsive, quick and communicative. Thank you so much!"​​

  • (原文翻译)“响应迅速、速度快、善于沟通。非常感谢!”

👤 Jeremy H. / 来自纽约州

已确认订单- 2025年02

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​​​​​​​

​👤 Yvonne W. / 来自葡萄牙

已确认订单- 2025年01

  • "We’ve had several apostilles done and they’ve been wonderful to work with! Thorough and timely. Will use them every time!"​​

  • (原文翻译)“我们已经完成了几次海牙认证,与他们合作非常愉快!细致及时。每次都会找他们!”

👤 Cathy G. / 来自伊利诺伊州

已确认订单- 2025年02

  • "They did everything as expected and gave me a reasonable expectation on when I would receive my documents. American Notary took a lot of pressure on what to do get my documents off my mind."

  • (原文翻译)“他们按预期完成了所有工作,并让我对何时收到文件有一个合理的预期。美国公证认证中心(American Notary)为我减轻了很大压力,让我不再为文件操心。”

👤 Michael L. / 来自弗吉尼亚州

已确认订单- 2024年10

  • "Excellent service. Received apostilled results in almost exactly 5 weeks as promised. Sent priority mail with real time tracking until delivered."

  • (原文翻译)“服务很棒。几乎按照承诺在 5 周内收到了认证结果。发送了优先邮件,并实时跟踪直至送达。”

👤 Deborah H. / 来自德克萨斯州

已确认订单- 2025年01

  • "Excellent service, very responsive."

  • (原文翻译)“服务非常好,响应非常迅速。”

👤 Shao C. / 来自华盛顿州

已确认订单- 2024年12

  • "I used American Notary Service Center to get some American documents an apostille. The website was extremely easy to navigate with excellent instructions. I was notified by email once my order was received and given an order number with details of the process. I was kept up to date on the status. As my document request was rather urgent, I asked for a status update close to the expected date of completion from my state. I received an immediate response from ANSC. My State of Washington was extremely behind in processing their requests and were quoting 2-3 week delay, which was a major problem for me -- and would have resulted in more expense. ANSC liaised on my behalf with WA State and explained the urgency for the documents. The documents were done in less than a week and sent via UPS back to England. They arrived on time. I cannot thank ANSC enough for their efficiency, perseverance -- chasing WA State on my behalf. Amazing Customer Service!! I would highly recommend this organization."

  • (原文翻译)“我使用了美国公证认证中心(American Notary Service Center)来为一些美国文件办理海牙认证。这个网站非常易于浏览,提供了详细的操作说明。当我的订单被接收后,我通过电子邮件收到了通知,并且提供了一个订单号以及相关的流程细节。我始终能得到关于进度的最新更新。由于我的文件请求比较紧急,我在预计完成日期临近时向他们询问了进度更新,ANSC立即做出了回应。我的华盛顿州处理请求的速度非常慢,预计会有2到3周的延迟,这对我来说是一个重大问题,而且会导致更多的费用。ANSC代表我与华盛顿州进行沟通,解释了文件的紧急性。最终,文件在不到一周的时间内完成,并通过UPS寄回了英国,并按时到达。我非常感谢ANSC的高效和毅力——他们代表我催促华盛顿州。令人惊叹的客户服务!!我会强烈推荐这个机构。”

👤 Elena B. / 来自英国

已确认订单- 2025年01

  • "Professional reliable responsible"

  • (原文翻译)“专业,可靠,负责”

👤 Mary M. / 来自DC

已确认订单- 2024年12



  • "Timely, accurate, easy ordering process, straightforward. This one’s a good one."​​​​​​​

  • (原文翻译)“及时、准确、订购流程简单、直截了当。这是一个不错的选择。”

👤 Susan H. / 来自佛蒙特州

已确认订单- 2024年12

  • "This firm provides excellent service with a fast response time and a team that is truly reliable. Their dedication to quality and efficiency makes them a standout choice. Highly recommended!"

  • (原文翻译)“这家公司提供了出色的服务,响应速度非常快,团队也非常可靠。他们对质量和效率的专注使其成为一个突出的选择。强烈推荐!”

👤 Nathan T. / 来自新泽西州

已确认订单- 2024年11

  • "This is my first time using America Notary, and it has been a great experience. It's efficient and timely. I'll definitely use it again."

  • (原文翻译)“这是我第一次使用 America Notary(美国公证),体验非常棒。他们高效又及时,我一定会再次使用。”

👤 Xia W. / 来自科罗拉多州

已确认订单- 2024年10

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​​

​👤Mahdi B. / 来自西班牙

已确认订单- 2024年08月

  • "Was a complicated affair but American Notary Service Center managed to resolve it successfully and kept me up to date about the various steps of the process, including the unexepected twists and turns. Highly recommended."

  • (原文翻译)“这是一件复杂的事情,但美国公证认证中心成功地解决了,并且在处理过程中让我随时了解各个步骤,包括意想不到的曲折。强烈推荐。”

👤 Jad C. / 来自葡萄牙

已确认订单- 2024年04

  • "It was smooth and relatively quick. No complaints!"​​

  • (原文翻译)​​"一切都很顺利,速度也相对较快。没有任何不满!"

​👤 Andrea P. / 来自新罕布什尔

已确认订单- 2024年08

  • "Professional And Competent Service! I highly recommend using American Notary Service Center to authenticate your legal documents by obtaining Apostille via the State Department."​​

  • (原文翻译)​​"专业且称职的服务!我强烈推荐使用美国公证认证中心通过美国国务院获得海牙认证来验证您的法律文件。"

​👤 Janet L. / 来自罗德岛

已确认订单- 2024年09月和10月

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​​

​👤Jonathan W. / 来自阿拉斯加州

已确认订单- 2024年09月

  • "I got the service for my daughter’s birth certificate and honestly I didn’t had much faith as the waiting time was just too much. The team handled the situation very professionally. Highly recommended."

  • (原文翻译)“我为女儿的出生证明使用了认证服务,老实说,我最开始并不抱太大希望,因为等待时间实在太长了。不过,团队非常专业地处理了这个情况。强烈推荐。”

👤Irha C. / 来自新泽西州

已确认订单- 2024年07月

  • "Using this service was great! The instructions were clear and communication was excellent! My documents were completed ahead of predicted timeline. Outstanding service!"

  • (原文翻译)"使用这项服务非常好棒!指示很清晰,沟通也很顺畅!我的文件比预期提前完成了。服务真的很出色!"

👤Javier R. / 来自密苏里州

已确认订单- 2024年08月

  • "I used there services and it went great. Just make sure to fully read their instructions on there website to save time and money. As example, in the fine print it says you need a current (in may case divorce decree from Texas less than 5 years) to have it certified. Mine was 14 years old. I'm glad I caught that. I recommend them for sure."

  • (原文翻译)“我使用了他们的服务,体验非常好。请确保仔细阅读他们网站上的说明,以节省时间和金钱。例如,在指示中提到,您需要一个有效的(以我的情况为例,德克萨斯州的离婚判决需要是最近5年内签发的)文件才能进行认证。我的离婚判决是14年前的。我很高兴我注意到了这一点。我当然推荐他们。”

👤Helio L. / 来自弗吉尼亚州

已确认订单- 2024年07月

  • "good customer service"

  • (原文翻译)“良好的客户服务”

👤Tao L. / 来自弗吉尼亚州

已确认订单- 2024年08月

  • "Great service. Easy and quick with clear instructions,"

  • (原文翻译)“服务很棒。指示清晰,简单快捷。”

👤Brian W. / 来自新泽西州

已确认订单- 2024年07月

  • "They sent me emails to keep me updated on the progress of the process and the whole thing was complted sooner than I expected. I would recommend them to anyone."

  • (原文翻译)"他们给我发了电子邮件,让我了解整个过程的最新进展,整个过程比我预期的要早完成。我会向任何人推荐他们。"

👤Christina Y. / 来自密歇根州

已确认订单- 2024年05月

  • "True to their claims, they delivered as advertised. To make the process faster & more efficient, you should have the gov docs you avail from your state mailed directly to their office, instead of to your residence and then mailing it again to their office. You only see this kind of detailed instructions after you make a purchase, tho."

  • (原文翻译)"正如他们所言,他们按广告宣传的那样提供服务。为了使流程更快、更高效,您应该将您从州获得的政府文件直接邮寄到他们的办公室,而不是邮寄到您的住所然后再邮寄到他们的办公室。不过,您只有在购买后才能看到这种详细说明。"

👤 Relly N. / 来自加州

已确认订单- 2024年05月

  • “...Secondly I'd like to say thank you for authenticating my paperwork and for updating me throughout the process. I will from now on use your company for any future legal documents. Thank you so much again I give you guys a full 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”

  • (原文翻译)“...其次,我想感谢你们认证了我的文件,并在整个过程中向我通报最新情况。从现在起,我将使用贵公司处理任何未来的法律文件。再次非常感谢,我给你们满分 5 星⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”

👤 Alliyah W. / 来自阿尔及利亚



  • “Fast, trustworthy, and communicative. Thank you for helping us with our apostille.”​

  • (原文翻译)“快速、值得信赖、善于沟通。 感谢您帮助我们进行海牙认证。”​

​👤 Jessica E. / 来自加州


  • “Many thanks for your help! I will definitely recommend your services to others”​

  • (原文翻译)“非常感谢你们的帮助! 我一定会向其他人推荐你们的服务”

​👤 Sook M. / 来自纽约州


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​

​👤 Dieya B. / 来自纽约州


  • “Excellent service. I received great and fast service.”​

  • (原文翻译)“出色的服务。我得到了优质而快捷的服务。”

​👤YG G. / 来自佛罗里达州


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️​

​👤 Sabiha M. / 来自马耳他


  • “Getting the Apostille on-line was easy and quick.”

  • (原文翻译)“在线办理海牙认证,既简单又快捷。”

👤 Astrid J. / 来自密苏里州


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

👤 Olga G. / 来自马里兰州


  • “Thanks for letting me know that the Apostille is done. I'll keep an eye out for the shipping confirmation with the tracking number. I appreciate your help with this. You've been great to work with, and I'll definitely consider using your service again in the future.”​

  • (原文翻译)“感谢你们告诉我海牙认证已经完成。我会密切关注带有跟踪号码的发货确认。 很感谢你们在这方面的帮助。与你们合作非常愉快,我将来一定会考虑再次使用你们的服务。”​

👤 Alyona L. / 来自华盛顿州


  • “Excellent service! Very reliable. Thank You”

  • (原文翻译)“很好的服务!非常可靠。谢谢”​

👤 Karina K. / 来自北卡莱罗纳州


  • “Fast service and excellent communication with the customer. Thank you guys!”

  • (原文翻译)“快速的服务、与客户沟通的能力优秀。感谢你们!”


👤 Alex F. / 来自西班牙


  • “ANSC was a life saver for having my FBI Background Check apostille in a very short period of time.

    I had a few issues with the document submission instructions related to the need for DHL return of the apostille document but my confusion was quickly and efficiently addressed by the help desk.

    But the really rabbit they pulled out of the hat was the the background check as returned apostille, by the State Department, in a little over three weeks when the quoted time for apostille with the State Department was 11 weeks.

    They are good.”

  • (原文翻译)“美国公证认证中心是个救星,帮我在很短的时间内获得了FBI无犯罪记录的海牙认证。


    但真正让人出乎意料的是他们的妙计,仅用3周多一点的时间就完成了国务院的海牙认证,而国务院的海牙认证所需处理时间是 11 周。


👤 Peter K. / 来自西班牙


  • “What can I say… excellent service and prompt delivery of my marriage cert that needed to be legalized by state dept and consulate… I highly recommend them and will absolutely use their service again next time… very happy”

  • (原文翻译)“我能说什么......优质的服务,并及时交付了我的结婚证书,该结婚证书需要由州务卿和领事馆认证......我强烈推荐他们,下次绝对会再次使用他们的服务......非常高兴”


👤 Anggerik M. / 来自马来西亚 


  • “I recently had the pleasure of using the American Notary Service Center for my notarization needs, and I must say, my experience was outstanding from start to finish. I am compelled to share my positive experience due to the exceptional service I received.

    First and foremost, I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the entire process. The website was user-friendly and provided clear instructions on what documents were needed and how to proceed. This simplicity made the initial steps incredibly straightforward, saving me both time and stress.

    Moreover, the communication from the American Notary Service Center was impeccable. Throughout the process, I received prompt updates and notifications, keeping me informed every step of the way. Their team demonstrated a high level of professionalism, ensuring that I was always aware of the status of my request. This clear communication instilled confidence in the service they provided.

    One aspect that truly stood out was the accuracy of the time frame. The service was not only efficient but also adhered precisely to the stated timeline. This reliability was a testament to their commitment to customer satisfaction and their dedication to delivering services in a timely manner.

    Overall, my experience with the American Notary Service Center was exceptional. The simplicity of the process, coupled with their clear communication and adherence to timelines, made my notarization process stress-free and efficient. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of notary services. Kudos to their team for their outstanding professionalism and commitment to excellence!”

  • (原文翻译)“我最近有幸使用美国公证认证中心来满足我的公证需求,我必须说,我的体验自始至终都非常出色。由于我收到的卓越服务,我不得不分享我的积极经历。






👤 Sakib M. / 来自卡塔尔


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

👤 Quan L. / 来自台湾


  • “I just received my authenticated diploma via DHL today.  Thank you very much for keeping me updated through the whole process and for always replying to my emails. If any of my friends need any documents notarized in the US, I will recommend ANSC to them for sure.”

  • (原文翻译)“我今天刚刚通过 DHL 收到了经过认证的文凭。 非常感谢你们在整个过程中让我了解最新情况并始终回复我的电子邮件。 如果我的朋友需要任何在美国公证的文件,我肯定会向他们推荐 ANSC(美国公证认证中心)。”

👤Taejoon K. / 来自泰国


  • “Excellence service!”

  • (原文翻译)“卓越的服务!”

👤 Mark S. / 来自内华达州


  • AMSC (ANSC) has been amazing at getting my documents apostilled for me whether I am overseas or stateside. I greatly appreciate the time and communication they invest into each person.

  • (原文翻译)“无论我是在海外还是在美国,美国公证认证中心都非常出色地为我办理了海牙认证。非常感谢他们为每个人投入的时间和沟通。”


👤 Morgan P. / 来自荷兰


  • “Exactly what I needed, fast and easy. I also could track everything to make sure I got the documents on time. I especially loved that I could send it directly to a foreign country. Thanks you!"

  • (原文翻译)“正是我所需要的,又快又简单。我还可以跟踪一切以确保按时收到文件。我特别喜欢的一点是可以直接寄到国外。感谢您!”

👤 Carmen G. / 来自纽约


  • “They are completely amazing! I thought that I wouldn’t be able to study abroad because I couldn’t apostille my documents in time, but they gave me a solution and made it possible! 10/10 would recommend and use again"

  • (原文翻译)“他们真是太棒了! 我以为无法出国留学了,因为不能及时认证完我的文件,但他们给了我一个解决方案,使之成为可能! 10/10(完美) 会推荐并再次使用”

👤 Gabriel C. / 来自纽约


  • “I used this service to help me notarize documents for a Taiwan visa in 2022. They were very professional and helpful every step of the way. The notarization process took a very long time on the US State Department side, but ANSC kept me updated the entire time in order to alleviate my concerns. Once the process was done and the documents were ready to go, they were very prompt and accommodating in shipping them to me, even though I was already overseas. If I have similar needs again, I will definitely use ANSC's services again. Thank you so much!"

  • (原文翻译)“2022年,我用这项服务帮助我公证了用于申请台湾签证的文件。过程中的每一个步骤,他们都非常专业,而且很有帮助。美国国务院环节花了很长时间,但ANSC一直向我更新最新情况,以缓解我的担忧。一旦流程完成并且文件准备就绪,即使我已经在海外,他们也非常迅速和乐于助人地把文件寄给我。如果我再有类似的需求,我一定会再次使用ANSC的服务。太感谢了!”

👤 Cuyler J. / 来自马里


  • “I ordered one document apostille service, on line. Fast, nice, courteous and good quality. Tracking and update also excelent."

  • (原文翻译)“我在网上订购了一份文件海牙认证服务。快速、友善、礼貌、质量好。跟踪和更新也很出色。”

​​​👤 Helio C. / 来自加州


  • “Thank you so much! You guys are awesome! I definitely want to recommend you to all the guys out here if they need to get things done. You are the guys to go to!"

  • (原文翻译)“非常感谢!你们太棒了!我绝对想把你推荐给这里所有需要把事情做好的人。你们才是该去找的人!”

👤 Davin R. K. A. / 来自阿联酋


  • “Found this service from a random google search and I'm so glad I did! ANSC have been instrumental in my process to get documents authenticated for a worker's visa in China. It's a nightmare of a process that requires numerous steps and dealing with multiple government agencies. ANSC really streamlined and made everything easy for me. I tried contacting the Chinese embassy on my own, though they were so slow to respond. The embassy paid attention to me and responded quickly once I got ANSC in the mix. It's a bit pricey, but after everything was said and done, it was well worth it for me. I was on a time crunch, and ANSC have been extremely prompt in their replies, friendly, and were sympathetic to my situation. I could tell they were trying to expedite the process and give me as much information as possible every time I incessantly inquired about updates. You definitely don't need ANSC's services to get authentications or visa paperwork done, but they certainly alleviate some headaches along the way."

  • (原文翻译)“从一个随机的谷歌搜索中发现了这项服务,我很高兴我这么做了!ANSC在我获得中国工作签证文件认证的过程中发挥了重要作用。这是一个噩梦般的过程,需要大量的步骤以及和多个政府机构打交道。ANSC真的简化了流程,让一切都变得简单。我试着自己联系中国大使馆,但他们反应太慢。大使馆注意到了我,并在我加入ANSC后迅速做出了回应。虽然有点贵,但一切做完之后,这对我来说是非常值得的。我当时时间紧迫,ANSC的回复非常迅速、友好,并且对我的处境表示同情。我看得出来,每次我不停地询问更新情况时,他们都在努力加快进程,尽可能多地给我提供信息。你绝对不需要ANSC的服务来完成文件认证或签证文书工作,但他们确实减轻了一些令人头疼的问题。”

👤 Oanh L. / 来自内华达


  • “I'm impressed with the American Notary Service Center Inc. services. Your colleagues kept me informed on each steps I made by prompt email replies. Thank you very much."

  • (原文翻译)“American Notary Service Center Inc. 的服务给我留下了深刻的印象。您的同事通过及时的电子邮件回复让我了解我所做的每一步。 非常感谢。”

👤 Kwai K. C. / 来自纽约


  • “Very professional custom service in both Chinese and English. I ordered non-criminal and marriage certificate Apostille, and few other services. I think the service costs are reasonable and very efficient. It is highly recommended!"

  • (原文翻译)“非常专业的中英文定制服务。我订购了无犯罪记录和结婚证书的海牙认证,以及一些其他服务。我认为服务收费合理而且效率很高。强烈推荐!”

👤 James L. / 来自加州


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